Life Before, Now & After This Life on Earth

We need to get a better understanding of life before we were born and after we pass away. This topic is extremely important to learn in simple terms, that we existed before we were born, and we will never die (only the body dies). True, we live on the earth maybe for 100 years, but that is nothing compared to the time we lived before being born or after our spirit leaves our body when we leave this earth. Life on earth is just a brief part of the journey that God has planned for us.

There are numerous references in the bible about our life before we were born. Here are three of them: Psalm 139: 13-16, Job 10: 10-12, and Jeremiah 1: 4-5. Every one of them is important for you to read and look for all the other 50 references, too.

No matter what your belief, you, and everyone else will leave this earthly valley of tears and hopefully go on to paradise for eternity. Persistent evildoers may end up in misery forever. This will happen almost before you know it for everyone, whether airline pilots, plumbers, truck drivers, construction workers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, scientists, housewives, and others.

We were a spirit before living on earth. God’s plan was for us to become human beings when we were born. God wanted more than angels and spirits in heaven. He wanted us to be a human being with both a spirit and a physical body. That never existed in Heaven before so God created the earth and then man. Read about the first man and woman, our first parents Adam and Eve that He created in Genesis.

I believe God’s original plan for us was to live in paradise as He created on earth for Adam and Eve. Eve allowed Satan to tempt her and do what God had forbidden. Because of this first sin or offense against God, we all must suffer and die. Why because God evidently changed the DNA in Adam and Eve, so they were weakened individuals suspectable to sin and certain death for the body. God allows Satan to tempt us as well, to test us! He wants to know who we genuinely love God or the evil temptations in the world, the flesh, and the devil (Satan).

The world seems so wonderful we tend to be lured down the path Satan and his evil spirits layout for us. The first murder was Cain killing his very own brother Able. Today murder is so common it’s unbelievable how easily we can fall into anger, rage, and murder. It begins to happen when we become angry with someone.

Something happens, and we can allow this to escalate into a simmering rage that possibly leads to murder. We must learn to control our anger; an old saying was to never let the sun go down with such anger in our hearts. Pray and ask God to help us when these things occur. No matter how saintly we are, there will be times when we get angry at something or someone. God understands these things and wants to save us from such evil.

God’s plan is not our plan. God does what he wants to do and so he requires us to suffer and die for our sins because of our parents’ sin. We are all sinners. God has known this before we ever commit a sin. Remember sin is simply an offense against God. God is our Father, he created us for Himself. It’s not much different than human fathers wanting their children to behave.

When the child misbehaved, there must be consequences. Very often the human father is so weakened by drugs, alcohol, pornography, or other sins he tends to lead his own children down evil pathways in life. They become sinners like him and may end up losing their souls. Satan is ever watchful for those who fail to live righteous lives and he intends to destroy them. The only way we can guard against evil is to pray, asking God’s forgiveness and blessings for eternal life with Him.

My intention in the blog is to try to keep these complex topics in simple terms. For me personally, this is hard for me to do, but I want to try my best to keep it simple. Oh, I know I will be violating this rule so I need you to help channel and simplify our conversations.

Already this topic is getting complicated, but I think we need to know when we die nothing really happens to us except our spirit leaves our body. After the death of the body, we are still very much alive just like we are right now, except the tired worn-out body is gone. We leave our bodies behind temporarily until God raises us on the last day of judgment.

Many of us struggle to understand the meaning of life. We have to learn and think about it in God’s terms and what God has planned for us. He is taking care of us before we were born, during our life on earth, and our life after we leave our body and pass into the next world. Our Father loves us dearly and never forgets us. He will help us every moment of our lives. All we have to do is pray and ask Him for help, to avoid the dangers of a sinful life.

This is our journey in our life now and forever. We were created by God an exceptionally long time ago. We are put to the test for a few short years on this earth for God to determine if we love Him. Life on earth is a test for us to enter into heaven to be with God forever. He made us like Himself. It is not about us becoming rich, famous, and powerful on this earth but rather learning what God intends for us now to live with him forever. This is the most important thing we can ever learn.

To summarize we need to realize life on earth is short and we must learn about God and his plan for us.  We must not fail this test otherwise, we may be destined for eternal suffering in a place that was created for those who hate God.

Finally, we must learn to love rather than hate. Hatred evolves into other grave offenses against God. We can learn to avoid this by asking God to forgive us, to help us be truly sorry, and to avoid those sins in the future.

God knows everything and he knows how Satan tempts us. Satan is doing that because he hates God so much. The only way Satan can hurt God is by leading us astray. God is giving us earthly blessings or tools in the form of sacraments or covenants to help us avoid sin and to confess those sins.  He gives us more help or grace when we go to confess our sinful behavior as He commanded.

We only live a brief period while on this earth. It is a test between love and hate, good and evil. Therefore, become a kind loving prayerful person. Be sure to learn more about God and his plan for each one of us. We need to realize we are incredibly important in God’s eyes and He loves us dearly. In fact,  He loves us so much he came down to earth to be with us, to teach us, and to die for our sake. That is how much He cares for each and every one of us.



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