What on Earth am I Here For?
Nothing is more important than knowing why God made you. I am nearly 90 years old, a Catholic and have never learned this in the way he teaches it. I always knew God made us for Himself and that He loves us, but that was it. He made each and every one of us different for His Own Pleasure not for our own selfish plan.
When we know Jesus, we know God and we learn just how much God loves us. Then God wants us to follow Jesus meaning we must become more and more like Jesus during our lifetime and thus more like God Himself. That is basically what we must learn and do, to love God above all things and then to love our neighbor as ourselves.
But there is a lot more to this, God not only made us in His Image He intends for us to grow up and become like Him. During our brief stay on this earth, we are essentially in training for God’s own pleasure that we become like Him. We were never intended to be a god, but we are to become like Him. We are in school to learn about God and to become more and more like Him every day of our lives.
Click for his fabulous YouTube video—-> Why God Made You by Rick Warren
Then Read his book: A Purpose Driven Life
Rick explains it so well you must listen to his sermon and then read his book!
Ben Donahower summaries God’s love and plan for us as follows:
1. God planned me for His pleasure
2. God formed me for His family
3. Grow up spiritually
4. God shaped me to serve Him
5. Serve God by serving others
Rick Warren is Senior Pastor of the Saddleback Church,
1 Saddleback Parkway,
Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States